"It's poetry carved in flesh, it's beautiful hell with us
To be deadly sin we confess, tears of joy fill our eyes
We are saved with its bigoties, my out there prophecys of doom
My heart's a graveyard baby, and to evil we make love on our passion's killing floor
In my arms you won't sleep safely and of lust we are reborn on our passion's killing floor
At first kiss the seas of hatred are sewn
Back into darkness we flee to tear our hearts out
We are saved where all fates fail
The lies inside of our tomb
My heart's a graveyard baby, and to evil we make love on our passion's killing floor
In my arms you won't sleep safely and of lust we are reborn on our passion's killing floor"
To be deadly sin we confess, tears of joy fill our eyes
We are saved with its bigoties, my out there prophecys of doom
My heart's a graveyard baby, and to evil we make love on our passion's killing floor
In my arms you won't sleep safely and of lust we are reborn on our passion's killing floor
At first kiss the seas of hatred are sewn
Back into darkness we flee to tear our hearts out
We are saved where all fates fail
The lies inside of our tomb
My heart's a graveyard baby, and to evil we make love on our passion's killing floor
In my arms you won't sleep safely and of lust we are reborn on our passion's killing floor"
Quem tem a nova música quem tem??
Linda linda!!!
Linda linda!!!
7 comentários:
Nem por isso. Mais do mesmo.
Já ouvi|
Mas ainda nao a tenho !!
Teu blog continua excelente...
Desculpa mas n tm dado papaxar po aki...
Pa semana mostras me ;)
Eu também tenho. ._.'
E a imagem também. x)
Tens noção de que agiste como uma criança e que o pai não vai hoje???
HIM *__*
Tenho de sacar xD
Actualizei ^_^
Quem disse à menina, quem foi?? quem foi???
é linda sinhe ^^ , é HIM :)
A letra é linda ^^
E eu não tenho a música *sob sob* T^T
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